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the deal. Jim laid out the entire issue in simple block
figures. Not much detail at all. Whilce then tightened
up all the pencils over Jim's layouts with detail and
texture. I then inked all the figure work. Finally, Jim
went in and loosely penciled backgrounds and he then
inked all the backgrounds. That's it! We did the whole
issue in about 8 or 9 days."
-Scott Williams
More from Jim Lee on Uncanny X-Men 267 and how this issue got
done (Gelatometti
date: Early Sept 1990
Scheduled release date: July 3rd, 1990
Pages of art: 23 not including cover
I asked Whilce
about Uncanny X-Men 267 at SDCC 2004.
He mentioned that there was
actually another art team in place originally but they
were unable to do it --that's when Jim, Whilce and
Scott were asked to do the issue pretty much at the last
minute, in a very short amount of time.
In conversation, I mentioned that I especially loved the
moody and dark storytelling of this issue (as compared
to other Uncanny X-Men issues) and he felt that due to
the fact this issue was done so quickly, editors seemed
to really have less say on how the issue would be done,
and it seemed Jim, Whilce and Scott opted for the more
creative and interesting approach.
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